
Q: What is the ending of Wu Song in Water Margin?A: Wu Song, a hero in Water Margin, eventually achi


Q: What is the ending of Wu Song in Water Margin?

A: Wu Song, a hero in Water Margin, eventually achieved his goal of avenging his brother’s death by killing his murderer, Ximen Qing. However, he was also sentenced to death for killing Ximen Qing without permission. In the end, Wu Song chose to *** a heroic death by volunteering to join the army fighting against invading enemies. He fought bravely and ***d on the battlefield, earning the title of “Hero of the Nation” and becoming a legend in Chinese literature.

As one of the most popular characters in Water Margin, Wu Song is k***n for his strength, courage, and loyalty. His story reflects the values of justice and righteousness that are highly valued in Chinese culture. The ending of his story not only shows his personal bravery, but also his devotion to his country and people.

In addition to Wu Song’s story, Water Margin is a classic Chinese novel that portrays the lives of a group of outlaws who rebelled against corrupt officials and fought for justice. It is a **sterpiece of Chinese literature and has been widely read and adapted into various forms of media, including TV dra**s, films, and video g**es.

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