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[115][新加坡][2022][星期二特写:两代之间 Tuesday Report: Kinships][1080P][Mewatch][外挂中字][4集/共2.76GB]
请尊重分享者,本资源仅限交流未经楼主同意严禁转载或盈利,违者封号处理! ![]() Parental love has an unparalleled influence on a child’s character, personality development and life, but parents are not born perfect. They too have had their learning paths as well as ups and downs while nurturing their beloved children. “Kinship” features touching stories that cross generations, against the backdrop of Singapore in different phases of nation building. This series reflecting the bond between parents and children has been produced to mark the Year of Celebrating SG Families 2022. 亲情蕴含着人世间最无私的情感;教养孩子却是一门大学问。在不同时代背景下成长的两代之间,如何在漫漫岁月里相互扶持、在冲突与挫折中彼此包容?父母对于孩子的栽培,如何影响孩子的一生?《两代之间》通过追忆两代之间的相处、父母对于孩子的栽培和支持,体会两代之间的动人故事。这系列是呈献给“欢庆新加坡家庭年” 的至诚之作。 点击进入115网盘下载(←购买前请先验证分享链接是否有效)
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