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[115][新加坡][2018][星期二特写: 情牵新马 Tuesday Report: #myconnectionsg S2][1080P][Mewatch][外挂中字][6集/共3.98GB]
请尊重分享者,本资源仅限交流未经楼主同意严禁转载或盈利,违者封号处理! ![]() Singaporeans and Malaysians have traditionally enjoyed strong ties, connected by shared history and culture as well as more personal factors, including family, marriage, work and education. This led our Chinese Current Affairs team to produce the "#myconnectionsg" series last year that covered Kluang, Muar, Melaka and Kuching. Due to the popularity of the series, a new season returns to tell the heartwarming stories of the people who travel across the border to live and work. Besides Johor and Pengerang, the programme will feature Ipoh and Penang in Northern Malaysia.新马两地人从团体组织到个人家庭,都有切不断的关系,去年摄制的《情牵新马》以此为题,走过居銮、麻坡、古晋、马六甲等地,呈现一个个跨越新马的故事,温情洋溢,触动人心,播出后深受欢迎,在网络与彼岸也掀起热潮。新系列的《情牵新马》中,制作队再次从文化教育,艺术和历史观点,呈现新马两地人的浓厚情缘。除了邻近的柔佛州和边佳兰,还跨足北马怡保和槟城取景,值得期待。 点击进入115网盘下载(←购买前请先验证分享链接是否有效)
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